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JavaScript basics - for very beginners
JavaScript introduction
Intro to JavaScript (8:30)
Environment setup (10:38)
Variables and basic operations
Variables in JavaScript (7:11)
Types and `typeof` operator (9:30)
Basic operations with numbers (7:06)
Basic operations with strings (15:00)
Basic opertaions with booleans (16:07)
Basic JavaScript logic
Controling flow: `if` and ternary if (12:45)
`Switch` - choosing between multiple options (10:56)
Loops: `while` and `do while` (8:03)
Loops: `for` (11:00)
Breaking loops (8:44)
Objects in JavaScript
Objects: basics (12:31)
Objects: nested objects (13:58)
Primitives vs Objects (10:30)
Arrays in JavaScript
Arrays basic (6:33)
Arrays - methods Push, Pop, Shift, Unshift (7:14)
Arrays - add and remove elements (9:15)
Primitives vs Objects
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